St Vitus Food and beer pub St Vitus is situated in Tallinn and is opened from 2016. I literally fulfilled these rooms with art – the stencil-art is on ceiling (huge multi-coloured ceiling-painting), on walls, on floor, on toilet walls and also on the facade. There is also plenty of framed artwork in different mediums, mostly mine, some also from my art students. Many thanks also for my students who helped me scribble on the wallpapered areas. There is lot to see and read, for sure! Graphic designer Kristiina Kuus. Õllesõbra Meka on Pühas Vituses: 20 kraani ja loendamatu hulk pudeliõllesid, rohkem ja vähem tuntud käsitööõllesid ning siidreid. Siia juurde veel hea hulk vabas vormis kunsti graafik Britta Benno sulest ja meeleolukas olemine on olemas. Sisearhitekt: Kristiina Kuus Fotod: Maris Tomba Kunstnik: Britta Benno Kunstitööd: raamitud kunstitööd erinevates tehnikates, stencil-tehnikas laemaal, seintemaalingud, joonistused-kirjutised tapetseeritud aladel, stencil-tehnika fassaadil, põrandatel, wc-des, siiditrükid...
Meat Meat resto and butchery is situated in Tiskre, close to Tallinn and is opened from 2016. I made graphic butchery-themed drawings on walls. Graphic designer is Kristiina Kuus. Mõnus, maitseid täis liharestoran koos lihapoega Tiskre Ärimajas. Sisearhitekt: Kristiina Kuus Pildistas: Aleksandr Tokarev Skeemid ja joonistused seintel: Britta...
Natural Death “Natural Death” was a temporary exhibition at The Estonian Health Care Museum at 2016-2017. The exhibition explains how and why people die and clarifies what changes happen to our bodies after death and also points out the ethical side of treating the dead. The topics of funerals, grief, remembering of the deceased are presented. Different specialists that study death, music or bugs, morticians, and people around us give their point of view. “Natural Death” was awarded as the best temporary museum exhibition in Estonia at 2016. I was a graphic designer and I designed the texts, drew illustrations and graphs, also designed the catalogue of the exhibition. Näitus Loomulik Surm Tervishoiu Muuseumis. Tervishoiu Muuseumi näitus “Loomulik Surm” pälvis 2016 aasta Muuseumi Roti tunnustuse kui parim ajutine näitus. Näituse kuraatorid Ülle Kask, Kärt Mikli, Taavi Kuri Ruumiline disain Kristiina Kuus Mulaazhid Lea Ojam Teostus Siltau (Tauno Tali) Pildistas Terje Ugandi Graafiline disain Britta Benno Graafilise disaini tööd: tekstide küljendus, illustratsioonid ja graafikud, näituse kataloogi...
Jääkuum Family café and restaurant Jääkuum was situated in Pärnu town and was opened at 2016. Though it is sadly closed permanently by now, this project was especially remarkable for me as an artist. I worked through the visual concept, designed the logo, text and signs. I also painted vegetables and jars with acrylic colors on walls and drew big drawings on blacboard painted walls. “Icehot” will always stay in my...
Interior work at Peps Lunch restaurant and winebar Peps is situated in Tallinn and opened from 2015. I did a “gallery” of stencil-paintings on a wall, also fulfilled toilets with stencil-art. Interior designer: Kristiina Kuus Mõnus lõunarestoran ja veinibaar Peps, Kentmanni 6. Sisearhitekt Kristiina Kuus Pildistas Maris Tomba Kunstnik Britta Benno Kunstitööd: stencil-art seintel ja...