Raplamaa Kaasaegse Kunsti Keskus
(Tallinn mnt. 3b, Rapla)
exhibition of contemporary graphic art
Working in layers in graphic techniques shapes the way of thinking, it is the language of storytelling. Seven artists take the tools of graphic art and then move forward with them – from paper to space. As a mountain, the questions arise, can printmaking be spatial? What are the spatial characteristics of graphic art? What kind of landscapes do graphic artists create in different techniques and in their own spaces? Gestures, workshops and materials are undoubtedly present here, have a voice and participate in decision-making processes. Stone, paper, scissors, wood and fabrics – these are just some of the materials that have the same power and right to speak in the works here as the author. We open the substantive or cognitive issues of artistic practice techniques and push the boundaries and potentials of graphics in the field of contemporary art. Each artist focuses on one printing technique, which they masterfully approach with a modern conceptualization and at the same time with traditional craft skills. A whole cosmos of gravure, letterpress and flat printing techniques has emerged in the space: lithography, serigraphy, linocut, letterpress, drypoint, photopolymer, etching and relief printing.
Landscapes are formed from the surfaces, which are no longer flat, because the warmth and porosity of the paper, the imprint pressed from the matrix, and the printing inks create tactile, textural layering. Here, in the context of the exhibition, we can talk about borders as a departure from the classical form of print graphics, as well as about lines as an essential part of printmaking. From several stages, materials, planned and random events, one complete artwork or a series of works is formed – an own space. Own rooms are a personal interpretation of the artist’s mental and physical space and self-reflection. It is more than the creation of an artist, containing the subjective baggage of experiences, a worldview and a new world created in the process of creation. Let’s unfold the microcosms of graphics, have a good journey!
Artists: Britta Benno, Maria Erikson, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Mari Prekup, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Helen Tago and Kadri Toom
Curator: Britta Benno
Graphic design: Nelli Viisimaa
Täname: Raplamaa Kaasaegse Kunsti Keskus, Raplamaa Omavalitsuste Arengufond, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia graafika osakond, Eesti Vabagraafikute Ühendus, Graafika.ee

Samuti toimus: 12. novembril 2023 kell 16.00, näituse viimasel päeval kohtumine kunstnikega ja ringkäik näitusel.
ERR Kultuur: Pildid ja video: Rapla kaasaegse kunsti keskuses kohtuvad seitse noorema põlve Eesti graafikut
Artikkel näitusest Mari-Liis Krautmannilt Varjatud sügavuste ja kõrguste lummuses Sirp, 10.11.2023.